Written by 6:34 pm Churches

Evangelical Cathedral of Sibiu

The massive Evangelical Cathedral dominates the square with its Gothic air. Built between the early 14th century and 1520 on the site of a basilica, the cathedral is 78 metres high and boasts Romania’s largest church organ, built in 1914. It has 6,002 pipes, 85 main musical registers and 75 auxiliary registers.

The present form is the one after the renovation in 1520, based on the structure of the old Romanesque basilica of the 12th century. In front of the church is a statue of Bishop Georg Daniel Teutsch (1817-1893), erected in 1899.

The interior of the church is in Gothic style, with arched vaults and tombstones on the north walls. The church is located on the Huet Square f.n. The building is dominated by the 7-storey tower with four turrets on the corner of the roof, a sign that the town had the right of condemnation (in Latin ius gladii, literally “right of the sword”).

With a height of about 74 m, the church ranks second in Romania after the Evangelical Church of Bistrita.

The cathedral choir is on the balcony on the south side and features a Baroque-style organ made by a Slovak craftsman in 1671, which replaced the first organ brought to Sibiu in 1585. In 1914 the church’s great organ, the largest organ in south-eastern Europe, was installed and in 1997 it was completely renovated.

The church is a large Gothic-style building, with a plan consisting of a polygonal choir composed of three bays, flanked to the north by a sacristy; a transept follows to the west, then the central nave and the two side aisles; to the west the massive tower was built, finally incorporated into a narthex, which in turn consists of three aisles.

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Last modified: November 14, 2022
