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The Arts Museum of Brasov

In a neo-baroque building (1902) on 21A Eroilor Boulevard, the Art Museum presents works by international Romanian artists dating back to the 17th century. Almost every important Romanian painter has works on display here; we find works by Theodor Pallady, Stefan Luchian and Nicolae Grigorescu. In the basement is a collection of oriental art and European porcelain.

The Museum of Ethnography next door has a small but genuine collection of textiles and folk costumes from the Brasov region.

The museum operates in an early 20th century building located at 21 Eroilor Boulevard, next to the Capitol Hotel. It has two permanent exhibitions: the National Gallery (modern and contemporary Romanian art) and the Decorative Art exhibition (bringing together pieces representative of the Oriental, European and Romanian space).

The museum was founded in 1949 as a section of the Stalin Regional Museum. The first permanent exhibition of fine art was opened on the first floor of the Council House on 15 February 1950. In 1970 the Art Section moved to its present location.

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