Written by 10:09 am Churches

Fortified Churches of UNESCO Heritage near Sighisoara

It is said that in the Middle Ages there were more than 300 fortified evangelist churches in this area, old castle-churches with towers and high walls, which served as defences for the Saxons and Szeklers living here. Around 150 of them are still standing and, to be fair, as you pass through the villages of Transylvania, you still come across one on your way or you often see signs directing you to them, some of them functional, others closed, more or less well preserved, but testimonies to the rigorous organisation and resistance of the people who lived in these places.

Seven of these churches are UNESCO World Heritage Sites, although they are not the only ones worth visiting: Prejmer, Viscri, Saschiz, Biertan, Valea Viilor, Câlnic and Dârjiu.


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Last modified: November 15, 2022
